Entry sambungan..
11:36 PM

Just a quick update:

1) Been to Ampang Putri today to see the hematologist. She did the normal routine blood test that I've been asked to do before, just to check the iron count. It cost me double of what it usually did, of coz la kan..what do u expect dah nama pun "pakar". Such a waste of money and time. Sigh....
The result from the specialist : "Nothing to worry lah. Just continue with ur Iberet Folic intake -iron count dah naik sikit since I've started taking it for the past 3 days - and come and check again before u go back to Penang kay". (Proven that Doc Rozita [Penang] knows what she does after all). Btw, Abang A'a, to answer your question. Hematologist tu pakar darah. And yes, I totally agree with you. That's the best word to describe her...

2) After seeing the doctor, I went to Ampang Point for lunch. Tak tahan lapar. And without planning to...terbuat some last minute shopping la pulak. Tengah sedih2...memang soothing la retail therapy ni kan. Ahaks..
Neway, here's some stuff that I got for the darling...(totally unnecessary tapi tak tahan. Cute! Nafsu membeli orang pompuan..hehehe)

Apakah mengarutnya dah siap beli fan utk stroller. Hubby will definitely get mad ni, buang duit hehehehe

Cute lah romper ni...I like! And yang 5 pieces in 1 pack tu murah okay, I just had to get it.

Handkerchief ni pon cute..memula ingatkan bibs rupanya handkerchief. Beli jugak la...time baby kecik banyak nak guna kan ;-p

Well, this is me masa 7 months pregnant. Tak berapa nak nampak kan...macam gelap skit. Time ni I already weighed 58kg. Yeah yeah I know memang HUGE ;-p

Perut terlindung di sebalik cardiganz..nanti la esok lusa I take clearer pics. Lani dah memang bertambah bulat perotku..hehehe

3) After my retail theraphy, tunggu la cab kat depan Ampang Point nak balik umah. Man, people there memang takdak adab. Everyone asyik jump queue..some of them rebut eventhough u've already open the taxi door. Anyway, while I was standing in the heat of that evening..this one sweet and kind young lady (nampak mcm student Uni) came up to me and asked where I was going. I told her my destination and she said she'd hail a cab for me. Dia kata kecian tengok I. A few of the cabbies refused to go where I wanted to go so I told her to go ahead and take the cab for herself. She refused. Still insisted that she'd help me. Lepas I dapat cab (with her help) baru la I saw her hailing another cab for herself and hew other friends.

Terharu sangat saya, ada jugak public yang still have that good value in them. Bukannya nak kata takdak dah tapi tak ramai especially here in KL. Masa i was waiting for cab tu ada yang siap berebut with me, with my big tummy and all. I bukak pintu belakang, she (cina bukit) bukak the passenger door. Dahla potong queue..hangin betul saya. @#&*&(^)!#$%^^!

4)Oh, btw...the twins both dapat MRSM. Sorang Balik Pulau and the other one Taiping. Seronok sungguh depa. :-0


~The Urban Factor~