FeAr IS most definitely a Factor to me...
2:25 PM
When i was coming back to office this afternoon after lunch, I met with some people I fear most in this God-created world...it's the "Grass Cutting Man"....haaaa....."what a silly, funny gurl", most of u would be thinking.......
I just can't help it!I'm soooooo scared of anything that can inflict pain on me..I'm scared of the PAIN itself...I hate needles (syringe), I most definitely dread doing a blood test!Man, even the doctors and lab assistants can sense it, from the way my body goes all rigid and tense of coz....i don't even donate my blood...though i know it's for a good cause...I CAN"T DO IT!I'm too scared! While I was in the university...I always dreaded the day of the month when the grass cutting man would do their job cutting grass all over campus....i'm afraid that the debris and small stones would jump at me and poke me in the eyes or any other part of me...that would definitely HURT!!!
Anyway, I'm a gurl who fears many things in life..really!Besides God and His punishment(that's everyone's fear of coz..), I'm scared of ghost!(ghost can't kill u silly gurl! but still! ghost could strangle u!)...I'm even scared of most animals and insects except for semut maybe...hehehe...can u believe that i can't even touch a butterfly without any feeling of fear in me...hah! that is soo pathethic, REALLY!!
U know people say that cats are Rasullullah's favourite pet..i remember some friends of mine once said to me that being kind to cats really made you feel loving, and lovable too...Well, as a child, i once tried to take a cat into my lap and pat it like a very loving gurl...but unfortunately, it didn't work out for me..it was a very awkward and scariest moment, one i vowed never to repeat again EVER...as can be imagined, for a while when the cat was sitting cosily on my lap....there i went all rigid....my mind kept on playing tricks on me, repeating images of the cat flashing it's claws and scratch me till i bleed to death...(my bf always said that i have a highly IMAGINATIVE, not to mention suspicious mind)...so i had to plead my cousin (or was it my uncle??) to remove it from my lap once and for all..*sigh*...
Well...sesapa yang tau camna nak be more fearless...of everything la...insects and animals...ghost etc..dun hesitate to gimme the tips..hehe...till then....have a fear-free day!!!
~The Urban Factor~