The Early Morning Catastrophe
12:13 PM
As I was late this morning, I took a cab to the office. The driver was an I*dian uncle. At a glance, he looked like a nice chap.
For the first few kilometres, we drove on peacefully..him driving while me looking out of the window having my daily dose of daydreams. However, when we arrived at a T Junction not that far away, he braked suddenly as he didn't at first see the car that was coming out the other way.
And then, he made the move to continue driving as he was actually blocking the other car but the C**nese driver (was being quite rude if u ask me) was trying to acah-acah the uncle a few times, as if to hentam him or something.
So the decent-looking-uncle's temperature raised and by then he was already starting to shout obscenities and pointing his fingers at the C**nese driver (who, btw, did look like a Tonto).
Among the things he said were "Makan b**i punya mau kena ka!!Itu bangsa C**a semua b**i punya worang!" and so on and so forth.
Back when I was working in Penang, in the heat of an argument, I uttered almost the same thing about the people I was working with - which coincidentally were of one race.
And it had me thinking now...the gap between races are still wide. Each of us had some bad things to say about the other races. We have our differences, but if we view it in positive ways we might just be able to live in peace and harmony..after such a long try.
~The Urban Factor~