I'm moving to a new "house". It's http://a-drama-mama.blogspot.com/ . Please visit my new blog for updates. Thanks everyone.

Yeah it's Sony Ericsson. I used to be a big fan of Nokia, but since we're boycotting, terpaksa change to something else (Nokia is like one of the biggest contributor!if u haven't heard, so Mr. Nokia, eat your heart out!)
and it comes with this cute card reader, suka!
What I like about this phone aside from the slide design, is that it has an 8.1 mega pix camera (auto focus and xenon flash), that's good enough for a non-profesional photographer like me. And it has a sensor motion function, not forgetting the 'GPS to find your way' ahaks..Downside is, the sound is not as nice as the Walkman phone, but I can live with it.
So cayang, please don't put high expectation for your birthday gift plak k. Saya ni mana ada duit. Huhuhu.. (Yeah! yeah! I'm a bad wifey, so sue me). :-p
Some pix taken with the phone camera :
Irfan's newfound hobby is to point his fingers at EVERYTHING
Irfan in Mei-Tai while abah enjoying his taukua rendang
Having fun at the garden with maktok


(Taken from their webpage)
Anyway, Mr Hubby has a friend who's involve in the snake-show business. Hayat is his name and apparently Hayat is quite good in it that he gets to sign contract with a few hotels around Penang to do shows with them. Mr. Hubby did accompanied him on a few occasions and he said Hayat and his snakes would sure catch anyone's attention wherever they go. So let's see this guy in action :

Hayat and snake

Aik??Suami sapa taktau?? *lol*

I think my husband should've won the best dress category (sadly they didn't have one) as he's the only one I see wearing a beach-like costume. Siap berkobar-kobar shop for the shirt and seluar geli-geli (his fav) okey! The rest, pakai jeans and T-Shirt ja pun. Anyway, he got a gift for best driven / performance something-something lah. What did he get? A Samsung DVD Player. Just a simple one. So our old Philips bole la send to mak's house since hers is broken. :-D
Mr. Hubby came back quite late that night, at almost 12! I'm sure when they put up the pics in Facebook later, he'd comment on it : "Foodwise, I've tasted better, but it was a night full of FUN!" :-p
P/S : If anyone interested to book Hayat and his snake to perform, u can call him at 016-4753279. Please note that I'm not being paid to do this okey.

We've taken our first step in changing the household products that directly contribute to Israel. We now use Cosway, the detergents and cleaners are pretty good if u ask me. My bathrooms are now cleaner than it used to be. I'd say, it's spotless now, and I dun even have to scrub like crazy. The product works wonder on tough stain.
Luckily, we made decision to boycott, coz it led us to switch to the value-for-money product. Save money and energy keh!*wink*wink* After this, we'd be getting the water filter plak insyaAllah. Just waiting until after renovation.
Anyone nak register as cosway member, or even if you wanna buy products (those in Penang area) can contact me at 019-4705286. Have a bless day!


Si lima beradik yang sangat gorgeous
Sweet tak the flowers?
My main aim was to get the Coningware / Correll set, but since I completed my shopping in the first day of arriving there..I had to shop for other things as well don't I? If not, I would've been bored to death doing nothing while the others sibuk bershopping. So these desert bowls are among other things that I managed to rembat. :-p
Other than these, I also bought the cutlery sets, chocolates, photo frames, jewelery box and banyak lagi lah. Malas nak list out the details.
But shopping wasn't the only thing that we did in Langkawi. Sight-seeing is of course, a must once you are there. We went to Makan Mahsuri, Tanjung Rhu, Cultural Complex, Teluk Ayaq Hangat (?) and few other places. The young(?) ladies went to look/shop for baju at every stop we made. Me - after joining the makcik-makcik group shopping for those things above - restrained myself from spending unnecessary amount of money on the baju.
We had so much fun in Langkawi though Irfan was being quite cranky - most prolly coz of the new surrounding and being with seldom-met aunties and tok-tok sekalian.
Thanks Ayu for inviting us to join the trip, next time bole book lagi apartment tu okeh. It's excellent..K.Yah bagi 4 stars! And thanks Cha for belanja-ing the ferry fare, terima kasih daun keladi :-D

Yes, I've tried this before but SADLY I wasn't among the lucky ones who got to win their funky stylo milo handbags. Come to think of it, I've never won anything in this kinda contest before. Thus, I'm putting soooo much hope to win this bag just because I've been drooling over that sleek number ever since I set my eyes on it.
Anyway, this contest is organized by babyibu blog, a useful and informative blog especially for mothers to share thoughts on pregnancy, motherhood, babies and things related. I've been an ardent (silent) reader of this blog for quite sometime as it provided useful tips in handling my baby. Trust me, a first time mum such as myself NEED this kinda informations so we could educate ourselves on the Do's and Dont's related to our babies. And the best thing is, this is a webbie from our own country Malaysia, hence almost all the informations in there are closely related to our daily lives.
Back to the contest, Gin & Jacqie has been kind enough to sponsor the alluring price for 3 lucky winners :

Look at those gorgeous design. I'm so proud to have our very own, who can design such fabulous looking bags!
Just a little background review of the company, Gin & Jacqie™ is a line of bags created by avid traveller and reluctant girl-on-the-go Jacqueline Ng. In her search for functional everyday bags that are practical and stylish but do not cost a bomb; Jacqie discovered a niche in the market and decided to develop her own line of such bags.Gin & Jacqie™ bags are created for centred people who value items which are fashionable yet functional, and it was made to be timeless and evergreen, to be as relevant today as they will be tomorrow.
So now, which one of these beautiful bags that I have my eyes on?The Stylish Elaine looks so sleek and sophisticated yet funky enough for hot-mama-wannabe like me.
Having a baby, it's kinda tough to look your best all the time. Dressing up and maintain the look for an evening out with husband or friends is not an easy task to do. Sometimes I find my blouse gets stuck with baby's biscuit or my shawl went haywire. Thus, I have high confidence that accesorising my look with this bag would make me look hot even after a tornado hit me. *wink*wink*oh I want this bag so very very bad!*
Just some of the reasons why I would love to win this bag :
- - It's light weight and easy to care for baby bag.
- - Its so stylish that no one will know it's a baby bag!
- - It has all the functions that makes a baby bag, an excellent one :
zipper top opening, two exterior pocket with drawstrings, customised printed twill dots for lining, three interior compartments, interior keychain holder for keys or small pouches, additional interior compartments for handphone and other items (very very useful not only for mama but but abah as well), one interior zipper pocket, roll up wipeable change mat that can be cleaned easily (very useful esp when you are on the go), two interior hooks to hook bag onto stroller

I just love the polka dot interiors, it looks fun and funky. Irfan would love to climb in and play inside the bag *lol*

Oh! Look at that. I could fit Irfan's whole wardrobe in it, and I'd still look sexy carrying it. It's a gRrreat bag, enough said.
So all the ladies and hot mama out there, what are you waiting for? If you want to win a free bag enter this contest; which have started on the 1st Februari 2009 and it'll end on the 1st Mac 2009.
Till then, cheerios ~ ~ ~


Irfan is still sick. He's got acute bronchitis. His coughing is getting worse, phlegm still banyak. It's pretty sad to see him coughing hard and cried because he couldn't take it. Pity my boy.
And now I got infected too, sore throat, phlegm and flu. Last night all of us were so tired and worn out, we only woke up OCE to feed Irfan. He plak didn't cry his heart out like he used to, just merengek2 a bit so a couple of times we just kinda ignored his rengekan. Hehe bad parents we are.
Anyway, his paed at Hope Children Specialist said if he doesn't get better in 2 days time, we're gonna have to go and do the nebulizer. I hope for everyone's sake that he'll get well soon.
Mak said today he is still clingy. Just now she went to the loo and no one else was around. She left him and he was really screaming and crying. Then after she was done and picked him up, Irfan hugged her so tight, macam tak mau let go. Manja tau!
Btw, I already got the Langkawi pics in my notebook..but haven't got the chance to post it in here. Will do it soon I hope.